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2024 HZAU New Year Carnival Is Coming

On the morning of December 22, a meeting was held at HZAU to promote the preparations for the 2024 New Year Carnival. HZAU leaders, Gao Chi and Wang Congyan attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Gao emphasized the need for university departments to work together to organize a safe, harmonious, and joyful Carnival which showcases the cultural spirit of HZAU, allowing more faculties and students to enjoy it.

During the meeting, the heads of relevant units reported on the preparations for the Carnival and exchanged their ideas on topics including electricity and water safety, food safety, traffic management, sanitation, medical assistance, cultural creativity and publicity.

Gao stressed that 2023 is the beginning year of fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, a crucial year for carrying out the “14th Five-Year Plan” and recovering the economy after the three-year COVID-19 prevention and control. This year also witnesses the effective development for various undertakings of HZAU. As a New Year symphony written collectively by all people, the Carnival is the most beautiful and brilliant section of the school’s cultural activities, eagerly anticipated by the faculties, students and alumni. Efforts should be made to organize the Carnival well, which will be beneficial for uniting the faculties and students and building a more humanistic, open and free HZAU campus.

The Carnival must be safe. Safety is the premise and foundation of the Carnival and the “touchstone” for evaluating our work. In order to guarantee overall safety, we should care about every individual, take comprehensive security measures, make full emergency plans, promptly identify and address related issues.

The Carnival must show the cultural spirit. The Carnival should stick to its original purpose, with each activity reflecting the goals of “promoting a more close relationship between faculties and students, activating campus creativity, and showing the aesthetics of life”. With a cultural mindset, we can manifest the university’s spirit, education features, and good values of the Carnival.

The Carnival must be harmonious. With the aim of continuously promoting the “HZAU Aesthetics”, faculties and students are welcomed to participate in this event in which we need to strengthen project guidance, support originality, and present outstanding products.

The Carnival must be joyful. In order to show the concern for the growth and development of faculties and students and their aspirations for a better life, it is necessary to create a cheerful and harmonious atmosphere, ensure good news coverage and value dissemination of the Carnival, and highlight the joyful characteristics and youthful vitality.

“Faculties and students celebrate the New Year together, which will definitely make an exciting day!” Gao pointed out that the Carnival is an educating tradition of HZAU, a continuity and development of HZAU’s culture, and a unique memory of faculties and students. It is not only a comprehensive lesson including all-round education, but also a test of our educational effectiveness. In this case, it is of great significance to attract more faculties and students join and enjoy the 2024 HZAU New Year Carnival!

Translated by: Chen Lin
Proofread by: Huang He
Supervised by: Wang Xiaoyan
